Home Allprovide Gently Cooked


Average Score

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Food scores are based on ingredient quality and safety. For more information, view our  evaluation criteria.

With an average score of 9.5, Allprovide’s Gently Cooked is a low risk dog food by our criteria. There are 5 recipes that average 58% protein and 4% carbohydrate.

Allprovide Gently Cooked is low in carbohydrates and high in protein. This is what we expect to see in a cooked dog food. The few carbs aren’t from grains or starches but are from fruits and vegetables. They also provide an array of antioxidants, and phytonutrients. That’s in addition to naturally sourced vitamins and minerals. This eliminates the need for synthetic additives. They’re needed to balance poor quality dog food to AAFCO requirements. 

All 5 recipes score 10/10 for ingredient quality. The recipes score 9.5/10 for ingredient safety. The only loss of points is for moderate processing. Light cooking is preferable to highly processed foods. But there will be a loss of some nutrients. These include enzymes, vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients.  

It’s noteworthy that Allprovide now sources organic produce. That includes kale, apples, beans, spinach and mushrooms. This eliminates pesticide/herbicide use, and has elevated its food safety score. Heavy pesticide use can lead to a buildup of toxins and heavy metals in the body. Organic produce is also non-GMO. The company had already committed to using non-GMO ingredients before sourcing organics. 

The ingredient list notes that wild fish products are in these recipes. This is good to see as wild caught fish is more nutritious than farmed fish. Wild caught fish has a healthier fatty acid balance. It’s also noteworthy that Allprovide reports the omega-6:omega-3 ratio. It lists the ratio between 1:1 and 5:1, which is quite good. A ratio of 1:1 is desirable but AAFCO allows an inflammatory level of 30:1.

Overall, Allprovide offers a decent line of cooked dog foods. The company has shown commitment to improving ingredient quality and safety

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