Food scores are based on ingredient quality and safety. For more information, view our evaluation criteria.
With a score of 9.2, Big Country Raw Dinner dog food is a low risk dog food by our criteria. It has 9 recipes that average 56% protein and 8% carbohydrate.
Only the Duck Dinner has higher carbohydrates of 18%. This is higher than expected in a raw food. There are no added grains or starches so they come from the whole food ingredients. All recipes have a lower percentage of fat than protein, which is desirable in raw dog food.
BCR Dinner is a minimally processed raw food so it maintains nutrients. The company doesn’t use added vitamins, but 4 of these recipes have a few added minerals. You want to see nutrients supplied by the whole food ingredients whenever possible. They add Vitamin E as a preservative.
The produce used in BCR recipes is organic. The company notes that the wheat and barley grasses are not. Organic produce has a lower pesticide risk and are non-GMO. Pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers pose a health risk to plants, animals and soils. Foods with the largest reported amount of residue will lose points. This includes crops known to be spray-dried with glyphosate. This is the only BCR line that contains wheat and barley grasses in its recipes.
The fish used in these recipes is wild caught. This is more nutritious and has a better fatty acid balance to provide healthy omega-3s.
Big Country Raw doesn’t provide the omega-6 to omega-3 ratio for its foods. This isn’t unusual for most dog food makers. The ratio is always a concern because AAFCO allows a highly inflammatory ratio of 30:1.
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