Home Instinct Raw Frozen Instinct Raw Frozen Bites Grass-Fed Lamb Recipe

Instinct Raw Frozen Bites Grass-Fed Lamb Recipe

Overall Score

The overall score is an average of the ingredient quality and ingredient safety concerns. For more information, see our evaluation criteria.

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Instinct Raw Frozen Bites Grass-Fed Lamb Recipe
Home Instinct Raw Frozen Instinct Raw Frozen Bites Grass-Fed Lamb Recipe

Instinct Raw Frozen Bites Grass-Fed Lamb Recipe

Instinct Raw Frozen Bites Grass-Fed Lamb Recipe
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Overall Score

The overall score is an average of the ingredient quality and ingredient safety concerns. For more information, see our evaluation criteria.

Ingredient Quality

8 out of 10

  • Product is calculated to contain 18% carbohydrate Dogs have no nutritional requirement for carbohydrate but they are used for energy, texture and taste. Starch is also required for extrusion in dry foods. Excessive carbohydrate is an indicator of food quality as it can be used to reduce manufacturing cost. Foods that are high in carbohydrate can raise insulin and cause obesity. Some studies also show that dogs fed a high carbohydrate content have changes to their gut bacteria. Learn more
  • Is fortified with excessive minerals Five or more added minerals indicate a lower quality food that’s lacking naturally occurring minerals from whole food sources.

Ingredient Safety

9 out of 10

  • Contains ingredients known to contain higher pesticide/herbicide residues including spinach and apples Pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers pose a significant health risk to plants, animals and soils. Foods with the largest reported amount of residue will be penalized, including crops that are known to be spray-dried with glyphosate. Learn more

Other Concerns

Notable product facts

  • Glam ingredients Expensive or desirable ingredients like blueberries, kale or apples are often added to appeal to consumers but may be in miniscule amounts. If these foods are below salt or other low concentration ingredients, they contribute little or no nutritional value for your dog. Learn more
  • Product doesn't specify whether the fish is farmed or wild caught Farmed fish is less nutritious than wild caught fish and does not contain the same healthy fatty acid balance. Fish farming also threatens wild fish species. Learn more
  • Product doesn't provide the omega-6:omega-3 ratio Diets rich in omega-6 fats can cause chronic inflammation and disease. Learn more
  • Product label contains unsubstantiated marketing termsProduct label includes descriptions such as grass-fed that suggest ingredients are better quality. These are purely marketing terms that have no legal meaning under pet food regulatory standardsLearn more

Ingredients On Package

Guaranteed Analysis


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