Food scores are based on ingredient quality and safety. For more information, view our evaluation criteria.
With a score of 9.7, Bones & Co Frozen Patties dog food is a low risk dog food by our criteria. It has 5 recipes that average 43% protein and 2% carbohydrate. These recipes have scored 10/10 for ingredient safety.
Bones & Co Frozen Patties are a minimally processed raw food. It maintains nutrients. Its frozen, raw food doesn’t use high-pressure pasteurization (HPP).
Bones & Co doesn’t use added vitamins or minerals. They also avoid chemicals, preservatives, and GMOs. All plant based ingredients are organic. That makes the risk of pesticide residue low. The lack of added vitamins and minerals reflects better ingredients. They don’t need added nutrients. Vitamin E is added as a preservative.
The company offers a higher fat dog food as a ketogenic formulation. It states they offer a 1:1 (fat:protein) recipe. It’s formulated for everyday feeding and all life stages. Three of the recipes have a fat content higher than the protein level. That loses points. Fat is a valuable macronutrient. But it’s relatively devoid of vitamins and minerals. High fat diets can lead to unwanted changes in the gut flora.
These recipes contain coconut oil. It doesn’t cost points, but should be noted. It can cause undesirable changes in the gut lining.
All products in this line contain added herring oil. It’s advisable to thaw the food in a refrigerated, sealed container. This minimizes oxidation of the fish oil. It’s also unclear whether the oil is from farmed or wild-caught herring. Wild caught is more nutritious. It also has a better fatty acid balance to provide healthy omega-3s.
Bones & Co. Koha doesn’t state the omega-6:omega-3 ratio in their recipes. This is true of most companies. It’s a concern because AAFCO allows a very inflammatory ratio of 30:1. Diets rich in omega-6 fats can cause chronic inflammation.
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